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Upcoming releases 2024
Quiet as Mud by Jane Yolen Illustrated By Nicole Wong Quiet as Mud, by Jane Yolen Illustrated by Nicole Wong…
Ganesha Goes Green
Ganesha Goes Green, by Lakshmi Thamizhmani, Illustrated by Debasmita Dasgupta In the book Ganesha Goes Green, an optimistic girl Prema…
Books on STEM: When Moon Became the Moon, STEM Starters for Kids Astronomy Activity Book: Activities about Space, Planets, and Stars, & How to Explain Coding to a Grown-Up, Kaboom A Volcano Erupts
When Moon became The Moon, by Rob Hodgson, Illustrated by Rob Hodgson Science and storytelling intwined together, in the book,…
Non-fiction picture books inspired by journeys of things that fill our daily lives: I Ship, Thank a Farmer, Winn & Doug The WaterDrops
I Ship: A Container Ship’s Colossal Journey, by Kelly Rice Schmitt, Illustrated by Jam Dong Welcome aboard on a riveting…
Books For Toddlers
Toddlerhood can be marked with bouts of energy and effervescence. As parents navigate how to channelize this energy, books can…
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